"I was young, happy and full of hope and expectations. We had wanted to have a baby ever since Kathi had married her handsome prince, Lyle. Things were wonderful! Things were right on track! Yet,4 years had come and gone with disappointment. No baby had made it's arrival yet. How could this be right? Something must be terribly wrong.
Dr.appointments were made. Tests were done. Advice was given. Nothing. Nothing was happening...
We decided to try and adopt, and started the tedious, long process of adoption papers. During this time, other changes were happening in our lives and we moved to Oklahoma for a change in employment. We'd have to start the adoption process all over again. This was again, another disappointment. I just didn't know if I could do this AGAIN.
Well, it must have been the water in Oklahoma, because at last, Kathi and Lyle Gadbury were expecting their first baby!
I suffered a little bit of morning sickness and while I was at work, at the United Bank of Norman, my boss would often find me eating saltine crackers to curb the nausea. It worked well. I also imagined that at 2 months pregnant, that I simply must wear maternity clothes! I was totally excited and wore them with pride, even though there was not even a little pooch to my belly!
I felt beautiful carrying this baby. It was a most happy time!
As the due date grew near, I experienced alot of false labor. Really hard contractions. Several weeks before the baby was due, I'd be up all night with contractions. It made for a long night on the couch!
Unlike today, back then, you did not find out the sex of the baby until it was born. So the excitement was even greater!
One evening as Lyle was reading in bed, while I was trying to sleep, I began to feel some VERY urgent contractions. But it was 2 weeks too soon, so I figured I was just in for another long night. But, the contractions started coming closer together, and stronger and harder and I knew this was more than an uncomfortable night on the couch. I knew it was time to go, and told Lyle that it was time. Lyle simply and calmly said, "No, it's not time yet." I persisted, and he equally resisted. Finally I convinced him to call the Dr. and the Dr. simply said, "Get to the hospital as soon as possible."
Nothing was ready yet. No bags...nothing. We hurriedly put together a night bag and off we went in our little Volkswagon rabbit. It was nearly 35 miles to Moore Oklahoma from where we lived out in the boonies of Oklahoma! The roads were very hilly all the way...and I felt every single one. I begged Lyle to slow down, because I felt like I was on a roller coaster, but he knew it was time to go fast. My water had broken in the car, the hills were causing me great grief....ahhhhhhh.....and I began to wonder if I was going to make it to the hospital at all before this baby came!
As we entered the town of Moore, and as we neared the hospital a policeman turned on his lights and siren to pull us over! Lyle of course, had been speeding! DUH! Lyle DID NOT pull over but kept driving to the hospital! I didn't want him to stop but worried that he'd be arrested and I'd be having this baby all alone!
Lyle pulls into the emergency entrance, gets out and says, "My wife is having a baby!" The policeman took one look at me and said, "Yes she is!"
A wheelchair was provided and up we went to labor and delivery.
The Doctor wasn't there yet. How is that possible? We had to drive 35 miles!
I was prepared for delivery and got to wear one of those glamourous hospital night gowns...you know the ones I'm talking about! oooohhh baby! Anyway, all I wanted to do was walk around....Laying on some table or bed was not an option. I was antsy and I couldn't sit or lie still. Things were very intense, and I just couldn't be still. So I walked. But they had to check things out and they told me I HAD to lay down, and now! Then someone comes and tells Lyle, "Sir you are going to have to go move your car." WHAT! This is a stupid time for anyone to be worrying about a car! I'm having a baby here, ya know!!!!!??????
Then the nurse proclaims, "Do NOT push until the Doctor gets here." How many women have heard that statement? And how much of that can you control?????
Things were getting very intense and tough. The contractions were hard and very, very close together. It was much too late for any kind of medication to ease pain. Lyle returned from moving the car, and I proceeded to dig my finger nails and fist into Lyle's hands with each contraction. (The Doctor had arrived now, so it was ok to push.) WHATEVER! With each contraction, my stronghold on Lyle was tighter and tighter. I never understood that until that moment. I'd heard about it, and I thought, 'why would you do that to your poor husband?' It became suddenly clear!
It took about 3-4 pushes for the baby to be born. First the head, the shoulders.....
"You have a beautiful baby boy" Dr. Dycus announced...and the sound of the baby crying...what a moment.
All I could think was, "a boy....A boy...it's really a boy....he's beautiful...he's perfect....he is mine..." as they laid him in my arms. This little human being, a creation of God, a creation of man and wife and their love... Tears fell freely.
(I would put pictures here, but back then, in the 'olden days' they didn't allow pictures to be taken....and it was barely allowed that the husband could be in the delivery room!
Words cannot begin to express the true joy a woman feels after the birth of a child. He was mine, he was beautiful, he was sweet and we'd made it together. This was a bond that could never be broken. It's beautiful."
(This account was taken from my journal)
Here is a picture of Bret and I. I couldn't believe I was a MOM!
Here is one of Lyle and I with Bret and Bret's great great grandmother Stroud.
And as a tribute to his 29th birthday, here are some of my favorite pictures of him.
Happy 29th Birthday Bret! I love you!
Bret and Bart in their footie pj's!
1984 family picture
Bret 5 years old. He hates this picture, but I love it!
At temple square in Salt Lake City.
Piano Recital.
Galveston Beach. It was COLD but the boys didn't care!
Scattin' ! He was in East High Singers
Bret and his cousin Willie muscle -ing up in front of BIG BOY.
Christmas with Mom and Dad
At the MTC with his baby brother Blake
After his mission in his favorite shirt
running the Boulder Bolder
Graduation from BYU-I
Dancin' with cousin Ellie at Will and Liz Harnish's wedding reception
His wedding day with his sweetheart, Niki Wirtz Gadbury